 * highChart 초기화
 * type : column(바차트) / spline(꺽은선차트)
 * title : 차트 제목
 * stacking : 차트 형태 (normal , percent, 빈값)
 * data : json 데이터

	var yearArr = new Array();
	for(var year = calcBeginYear; year <= calcEndYear; year++) {

	var arr1 = new Array();
	for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		var arr2 = new Array();
		for(var j = 0; j < yearArr.length; j++) {
			arr2.push(getRandomInt(-10, 50));

	Highcharts.chart('container', {
	    chart: {
	        type: type
	    title: {
	        text: title
	    xAxis: {
	        categories: yearArr,
	        tickWidth: 10
	    yAxis: {
	        min: -50,
	        title: {
	            text: ''
	        stackLabels: {
	            enabled: false,
	            style: {
	                fontWeight: 'bold',
	                color: ( // theme
	                    Highcharts.defaultOptions.title.style &&
	                ) || 'gray'
	    legend: {
	        align: 'right',
	        x: -30,
	        verticalAlign: 'top',
	        y: 25,
	        floating: true,
	            Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.backgroundColor || 'white',
	        borderColor: '#CCC',
	        borderWidth: 1,
	        shadow: false
	    tooltip: {
	        headerFormat: '{point.x}
	        pointFormat: '{series.name}: {point.y}
Total: {point.stackTotal}'
	    plotOptions: {
	        column: {
	            stacking: stacking,	//Whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other. "normal" to stack by value or "percent"
	            dataLabels: {
	                enabled: false
	        series: {
	            pointWidth: 40
	    exporting: {	//context menu hide
	        enabled: false
	    series: [{
	        name: '에너지',
	        data: arr1[0]
	    }, {
	        name: '산업공정',
	        data: arr1[1]
	    }, {
	        name: '농업',
	        data: arr1[2]
	    }, {
	        name: 'LULUCF',
	        data: arr1[3]
	    }, {
	        name: '폐기물',
	        data: arr1[4]


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